Glossary of Medical Terms

Peritoneal dialysis = a form of dialysis in which the blood is cleaned inside the person's body, using the Peritoneum as a filter.

See also: An introduction to peritoneal dialysis

Peritoneum = a natural membrane that lines the inside wall of the abdomen.

Peritoneal Cavity = the area in the abdomen that contains the stomach, liver and bowels.

Phosphate = a substance which is involved with calcium and which tends to build up in the body when the kidneys fail

Phosphate binders = medication that helps prevent a build-up of phosphate in the blood.

Platelets = a type of blood cell that helps blood to clot.

Polycystic kidney disease = a disease which runs in families and due to a problem in kidney development which leads to enlarged kidneys full of fluid filled sacs (cysts). It does not always lead to kidney failure.

See also: Specific kidney disorders

Poly and mono- unsaturates = types of fat in foodstuffs - polyunsaturates are better for you than monounsaturates.

Potassium = a mineral that is normally present in the blood. Its level needs to be controlled because too much or too little can cause heart problems.

Protein = one of the major types of foodstuff found in meat, fish, dairy produce and nuts. Protein is what makes up muscle and its breakdown products are got rid of through the kidneys.

Pulmonary oedema = build up of fluid in the lungs which causes breathlessness, particularly when exercising or when lying flat.

Pyelonephritis = a painless inflammation of the part of the kidneys in between filtering units. It can be caused by repeated infections, drugs or a variety of other causes.

See also: Specific kidney disorders

Recipient = a person who receives a transplant organ from a donor.

Rejection = the process in which the body's immune system recognises a transplanted kidney as "foreign" and tries to remove it.

Renal = related to the kidneys eg: renal failure = failure of the kidneys.