St George’s KPA Contacts

Contact the SGKPA:

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Want to ask a question or have news for us?

Email to or write to the SGKPA at

St George's Kidney Patients Association,

c/o The Renal Transplant Clinic
St George's Hospital
Blackshaw Road
London SW17 0QT

or contact one of the committee directly:

Michael Greatorex, Chair

Tel: 020 8339 3423

Stephen Chang, Treasurer

Christine Lewin,  Deputy Chair
Tel: 07534 460342

Catherine Brown, Secretary

Ama Basoah, Committee member

Sarah Southerton, Committee member


Keep in touch with all the latest news

Lets us keep in touch with you.

Register with us and get:

  • all the latest developments and changes as ST George's Hospital Renal Unit
  • the right to vote and have your say on the issues that matter to you
  • allow the medical teams to update you on their latest advice and work.

Other contacts

Michael Greatorex, Webmaster

Mike Evans, Transplant Games

Chris Eliot, (Retired)
Tel/Fax: 020 8788 4787